Remote Administration and Surveillance

Receive the education and software for an individual or team of employees to install and manage remote surveillance and administration across any software platform or operating systems for the purposes of quality control, attention clocking, and numerous other applications.

  1. Remote administration software and hardware for UMTS*, WIFI, Home and Office networks.
  2. Manage the hardware devices and network remotely without disturbing your employees.
  3. Prevent theft by being alerted when a phone, computer or other IoT device movies or is interacted with on the network.
  4. Survey data transmission without ever coming in physical contact with hardware.
  5. Find lost or stolen equipment safely and easily using GPS and IzoT enabled family of chipsets.
  6. Track incoming and outgoing data in text, audio, video, access downloads and storage of the remote device.
  7. Discover and observe connections on your network as well in ingoing and outgoing information that you may not have authorized.
  8. Prevent sensitive information leaks due to bad security practices of negligent or ex-employees.
  9. Manipulate optics, microphones and utilize physical hardware such as machine arms, conveyor belts, CNC, IoT ready devices through curl and other protocols remotely.
  10. Receive security alerts when dangerous activity occurs on the target device.
  11. Protect children, family, assets, and home.

The Universal Mobile Telecommunications System is a third generation mobile cellular system for networks based on the GSM standard. Developed and maintained by the 3GPP, UMTS is a component of the International Telecommunications Union IMT-2000 standard set and compares with the CDMA2000 standard set for networks based on the competing cdmaOne technology. UMTS uses wideband code division multiple access radio access technology to offer greater spectral efficiency and bandwidth to mobile network operators

Network Security Testing

Cybersecurity, computer security or IT security is the protection of computer systems from theft of or damage to their hardware, software or electronic data, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.

Cybersecurity includes controlling physical access to system hardware, as well as protecting against harm that may be done via network access, malicious data and code injection. Also, due to malpractice by operators, whether intentional or accidental, IT security personnel are susceptible to being tricked into deviating from secure procedures through various methods of social engineering.

The field is of growing importance due to increasing reliance on computer systems, the Internet and wireless networks such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and due to the growth of “smart” devices, including smartphones, televisions and the various tiny devices that constitute the Internet of Things. Professionals working in the cybersecurity field can be known by some of the following terms:

White hat hacker – also known as an “ethical hacker” or penetration tester. They are professional hackers that break into systems and use exploits to access target systems for reasons pertaining to prevention of crime or hardening the security of a target.
Black hat hacker – a criminal who breaks into systems and compromises security against the law.
Grey hat hacker – someone who conducts black hat hacks for white hat hacker reasons.